Thursday, April 10, 2008

Through the movie Empire of the Sun Jamie changed a lot. As he grew he got wiser but at the same time he got street smarter.
Before the war Jamie was a very rich spoiled boy. He lived in a mansion with his mother and father. He was also a brat and got what he wanted and did whatever he wanted. He was a gentlemen and he cared about the homeless people that was around where he lived. And he abused his nanny and told her what to do and he was only a little boy.
During the war he changed his name from Jamie to Jim. His whole personally changed. He became a thief and stole stuff for Basie to trade. He found himself at the end of the war but he already threw away his suitcase full of memories.
After the war he became a little smarter than he was before the war. Before he went back home Basie taught him some techniques on how to survive. He became rich again when he found his parents. He also gained some of his sanity back and some of his memories. He started to remember how his mother looked and what she was like.
In a movie as a character develops you might also see some changes that the character might go through. Jim went from Jim to Jamie, from rich to poor, from a brat to a tough guy in one movie.

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