Friday, January 8, 2010

01-08-10 / we the people .

  • How might modern technology expand the opportunities for direct participation by citizens in self-government?
- It will expand the participation because everyone knows how to use modern technology.
  • What advantages does our political system gain from diversity

Thursday, January 7, 2010

01-07-10 / we the people .

  • Under what circumstances do you think a citizen in a representative democracy has a right to violate a law? Explain your answer.
- I don't think a representative should ever be able to break a law, it doesn't matter where they stand in the government. Everyone should be teated equally.
  • Why is it important to speak up for your rights of others even if your own rights are not endangered.
- I don't think it's that important but people should stand up for their rights .
  • How would you explain the difference between "social action" and "political action"?
- The difference is that one deals with you community only & the other deals with the government & stuff like that.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

01-06-10 / we the people .

  • How would you explain the term "commonwealth"?
- A commonwealth is something like a community of people that are self-governed and their members are treated equal.
  • Some people claim that the best way to achieve the common good is for each person to work for his or her self-interest. Do you agree? Why or why not?
- I do think that each person should work fir his or her self-interest. There are some people that would rather just do nothing if people are willing to do stuff for them so it's like they are just sitting around while people are working hard .
  • Do you think that resident aliens who must pay taxes and obey the government's law should have a voice in local government by being permitted to vote? Why or why not?
- Yes I do think that an alien that pays their taxes should be able to voice their opinion in local government. Their getting treated as an equal by having to pay taxes so they should also voice their opinion.


  • couldn't find my bored .
  • got in trouble
  • came back & listened to my iPod